Thông tin
Người sáng lập
đánh dấu
Xuất hiện:
9 Tháng 10 2017
Châm ngôn
Giới thiệu về
One of the longest running clans in AOT with active members.

To Join Need to:

1. Be Friendly

2. Be Good Player

3. Be Team Player

4. Be 1650+


1. Accept only main account's.

2. Dont accept Smurf's

3. It is unacceptable to be a member of another clan.

4. One account for one person.

5. If the account is inactive for a month for no reason, it is deleted.

If you want to join and you meet all of the requirements above, your Welcome [You must login to view link]
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Team Mystic Đánh giá Team
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Hiển thị 231 - 26 ngoài 26 Thang điểm